We’re a strength based counseling agency.
Heart and Solutions is a strength based mental health counseling agency serving Iowa individuals, couples, and families with our team of dedicated therapists and behavioral health intervention specialists.
A diverse agency committed to inclusion.
We're committed to supporting the identities and experiences of each person we serve to create therapeutic spaces that promote healing and positive change.

Is Counseling Right for You?

There are many ways to identify that yourself or a loved one could benefit from Mental Health Therapy or in-home Behavioral Health Intervention. Here are a few common examples:
- Difficulty concentrating or following directions at work or at school
- Being bullied or bullying others
- Changes in sleeping or eating patterns
- Relationship difficulties such as divorce or separation
- Difficulty coping with grief of the loss of a loved one, job or life change
- Difficulty adjusting to a move or change
- Changes in the family such as the addition of a new child or pet
- Difficulty resolving conflicts with peers or loved ones
- Difficulty resolving conflicts with peers or loved ones
- Feelings of depression, anxiety, sadness, excessive worry or stress
- Thoughts of harming self or others
- Difficulty with identifying and expressing emotions
- Experiences of trauma or abuse

Your Mental Health Matters
Nothing is more important than your mental health. Our 50+ team members offer mental health counseling and behavioral health counseling support to individual adults, children, couples, and families at our seven office locations. We partner with community school locations to provide therapy services in the schools or through telehealth. Behavioral Health Intervention services (BHIS) are available for children ages 4-18 at the office, in school and right in the comfort of your own home. Telehealth counseling services are available for therapy or for BHIS by phone or computer.

Where to Find Us
Cedar Rapids
Grundy Center
Mason City

Our Mental Health Tips
Therapeutic Journaling at Home
Therapeutic Journaling at Home For most people, writing was one of their least favorite activities in school. However, writing can be very beneficial to a person’s mental health, and you don’t have to be an author to do it! Whether it’s in a leather-bound journal or...
Body Neutrality and its Impact on Eating Disorders
Body Neutrality and its Impact on Eating Disorders Eating disorders are a topic near and dear to my heart, as I personally struggled with an eating disorder in high school and during my undergraduate degree. I have now worked with many different clients that have...
An Old Affirmation for Modern Anxiety
An Old Affirmation for Modern Anxiety Severe weather. Cost of living. Politics. These are just a few examples of the many situations that we as Iowans have faced in the past several months, and likely will continue adjusting to going forward. Of course, this is “big...
Mental Health in the Middle School
Mental Health in the Middle School Mental health is a topic that is often overlooked in middle schools. However, it is a crucial time in a young person's life where they are experiencing a lot of changes, both physically and emotionally. Unfortunately, there is still...
The Art of Healing
The Art of Healing Anyone remember when we were little and we could just play without abandon? There was nothing that was unimaginable. And we could just go to our friends’ houses, ring the doorbell, and ask if our friend could play. Or, build snow forts in the...
Coping with Axiety
Coping with Anxiety Anxiety. What comes to mind when you hear the word? Worries, nerves, caution, perhaps terrifying? People in today’s world suffer from some type of form of anxiety. Some have the ability to cope with their anxiety, while others may need some...