

Heart and Solutions team members offer mental health counseling and behavioral health counseling support to individual adults, children, couples, and families at our seven office locations. We partner with community school locations to provide therapy services in the schools or through telehealth. Behavioral Health Intervention services (BHIS) are available for children ages four to eighteen at the office, in school and right in the comfort of your own home. Telehealth counseling services are available for therapy or for BHIS by phone or computer.

Therapy Services

Therapy at Heart and Solutions is, at its core, personal centered and strength based. As a strength-based counseling agency, our team is well practiced at seeking, identifying, highlighting and building on the strengths of our clients and their families. Because we are person-centered as our base, we believe that every client has their own healing solutions within them. To bring these internal healing solutions to the surface, our team provides the necessary components of empathy, validation and unconditional positive regard.

We believe that these three components are the sunlight, water, and soil to a seed’s ability to sprout, bloom and thrive. Therapy is a safe space with a supportive counselor who is on your side and wants to support you in your individualized journey of healing and growth! Therapy does not make you whole or “fix,” you, it provides the space and opportunity for you to become the beautiful version of yourself that you were always meant to be.


For clients who are unable to access our offices or prefer to have services from their own home, Heart and Solutions is proud to be able to offer online therapy services. Our online therapy services are conducted by licensed mental health providers using a confidential online video platform. This ensures that clients are able to engage in a variety of therapeutic interventions and receive ethical care while working towards their therapeutic goals. Telehealth services are available for all of our clients and are as effective as in person services. Additionally, for clients who do not have access to an internet based service, therapy may be provided over the phone.  Please note that all clients must reside in Iowa, even if utilizing telehealth services.

Play Therapy:

Heart and Solutions is proud to offer Play Therapy. Play Therapy is an evidenced based treatment that assists children and their families in emotional expression, enhancing communication, and problem solving through a child’s natural language of play. During play therapy, a therapist uses toys and games to help the child safely explore, express, and experience the difficult life events they may be working through. Because the child is engaged in play, rather than verbal communication, the therapist is able to support the child in exploring thoughts and feelings that the child may not be able to verbalize.

Interested in learning more about Play Therapy? Learn more in this recent blog post from Vice President of Therapy and Registered Play Therapist Supervisor, Dr. Colleen Grote. 

Behavioral Health Intervention Services

Not even the greatest writers and speakers were born with communication skills. The best negotiator on the planet was born with no conflict resolution skills at all and no human has ever been born knowing how to regulate their emotions or choose productive behaviors. At Heart and Solutions, we believe that none of us are born with the anger management, emotional identification and expression, conflict resolution, listening, following directions, aggression reduction skills expected of children and adults.

The only way that any human gets competent at any of these skills is through role modeling and opportunity to practice and succeed at the skill. This is where BHIS is beneficial and often necessary. If a child is having difficulty following directions at school, we do not believe this is a “bad,” or “naughty,” child. We believe that this is a child getting their needs met through less productive techniques. We believe that given the role modeling, opportunities to practice and succeed at the skill, any child is able to build this skill and so many others necessary for success as an adult.

BHIS counselors can meet with children ages 4-18 and their families in-home, at school or in the office. We provide opportunities to practice and build these skills in the form of games, art activities and service projects. Our BHIS counselors utilize the 7 Cs of Resilience to build these skills in the children we support.

Are you interested in behavioral health counseling services for your child but aren’t located near any of our office locations? Don’t worry, we are also able to provide our telehealth BHIS services with our providers connecting through video call to you in your home!
Telehealth BHIS services are available for children, ages 4-19 years old, and their families with Medicaid insurance. To begin telehealth BHIS services, one of our licensed mental health therapists would conduct an assessment with you and your child via phone or video call. Once this is completed, one of our BHIS Providers would connect with you to provide weekly BHIS sessions on a video call from their office to your home! During BHIS, our providers will work with your child on different behavioral skills, such as anger management, self-esteem, listening and following directions, impulse control, conflict resolutions, etc, all while using games, crafts and activities.

Heart and Solutions' Commitment To Inclusion

Heart and Solutions, LLC is honored to serve the diversity of our communities with dignity and respect. We believe therapy and behavioral health intervention services should be spaces of compassion and support, not hate or prejudice. Our staff aims to provide equitable and empathetic care to our clients of all identities including, but not limited to: age, color, creed, gender identity, marital status, mental disability, national origin, physical disability, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, and veteran status. We are committed to supporting the identities and experiences of each person we serve to create therapeutic spaces that promote healing and positive change.

We do this by:

  • Hiring staff who are committed to serving the diversity of our client communities

  • Enacting best practices for affirming and supportive care for clients from a diversity of communities

  • Providing ongoing support and training for administrative and clinical staff related to identity and inclusive care practices

  • Connecting to resources that support the needs of our client communities and building relationships with organizations that serve the diversity of our clients

  • Maintaining an openness to feedback and commitment to ongoing improvements to better serve the diversity of our clients’ needs. To share your feedback or suggestions for improving our inclusion efforts, please visit this page:

Frequently Asked Questions

What kind of insurance do you accept?
    • Wellmark Blue Cross Blue Shield
    • Most out of state Blue Cross Blue Shield plans
    • United Healthcare
    • Iowa Medicaid
    • Amerigroup
    • Iowa Total Care
    • Medicare (in some locations or via telehealth)
    • Medica
    • Crime Victims Compensation Funding
    • Health Partners (some plans require a preauthorization from Health Partners
    • Private Pay
    • Intern appointments if you do not have insurance coverage we can accept.
What will my insurance cover?

Please be advised that while we can verify your insurance eligibility and our network status with your insurance company at the time of the referral, we are unable to verify your specific plan benefits and out of pocket costs with your insurance carrier. It is your responsibility to verify your own benefits and out of pocket costs with your insurance carrier prior to services being rendered. To do so, please call the number on the back of your insurance card prior to your first session.

What is therapy?

Therapy at Heart and Solutions is, at its core, personal centered and strength based.  As a strength-based counseling agency, our team is well practiced at seeking, identifying, highlighting and building on the strengths of our clients and their families.  Because we are person-centered as our base, we believe that every client has their own healing solutions within them.  To bring these internal healing solutions to the surface, our team provides the necessary components of empathy, validation and unconditional positive regard.  We believe that these three components are the sunlight, water, and soil to a seed’s ability to sprout, bloom and thrive.  Therapy is a safe space with a supportive counselor who is on your side and wants to support you in your individualized journey of healing and growth!  Therapy does not make you whole or “fix,” you, it provides the space and opportunity for you to become the beautiful version of yourself that you were always meant to be.

What are Behavioral Health Intervention Services (BHIS)?

Not even the greatest writers and speakers were born with communication skills.  The best negotiator on the planet was born with no conflict resolution skills at all and no human has ever been born knowing how to regulate their emotions or choose productive behaviors.

At Heart and Solutions, we believe that none of us are born with the anger management, emotional identification and expression, conflict resolution, listening, following directions, aggression reduction skills expected of children and adults.

The only way that any human gets competent at any of these skills is through role modeling and opportunity to practice and succeed at the skill.  This is where BHIS is beneficial and often necessary.  If a child is having difficulty following directions at school, we do not believe this is a “bad,” or “naughty,” child.  We believe that this is a child getting their needs met through less productive techniques.  We believe that given the role modeling, opportunities to practice and succeed at the skill, any child is able to build this skill and so many others necessary for success as an adult.

BHIS counselors can meet with children ages 4-18 and their families in-home, at school or in the office.  We provide opportunities to practice and build these skills in the form of games, art activities and service projects.  Our BHIS counselors utilize the 7 Cs of Resilience to build these skills in the children we support.

How soon can my child start BHIS services?

Unfortunately, BHIS services will not start immediately after your assessment has been completed. BHIS services do require prior authorization from most insurance companies so we have to wait until this service is approved prior to proceeding with scheduling BHIS sessions. 

What is the difference between therapy and BHIS?

If BHIS is a cast for a broken leg, therapy is an antibiotic for any internal infection resulting from the injury.  Many of the children and families that we support utilize both BHIS and therapy to build their actionable skills and their mental health skills in unison.  

If therapy is the “why,” of how change happens, BHIS is the “how.”  BHIS targets the visible, audio changes that others may observe.  For example, if a child is angry and kicks the dog, BHIS would focus on kicking a pillow or singing a song instead of kicking the dog.  Therapy would focus on helping the child to identify the emotions they are feeling, think through any irrational thoughts that may have led to kicking the dog, and process out their options internally prior to taking action.  
Consistent therapy services are a requirement for most MCO BHIS authorizations because working on our behavioral health and our mental health are equally important to our success and together they are far more effective than apart.

What is telehealth and how does this work?

Telehealth is a service available for both therapy and for BHIS.  Telehealth allows for confidential, convenient and social distanced counseling services.  At Heart and Solutions, we utilize, a HIPAA compliant video conferencing service to provide counseling services via video call.  Some clients prefer to conduct telehealth counseling over the phone with no video conferencing component.  This method is extremely effective as well.  Telehealth removes barriers such as transportation, childcare, privacy concerns, time to and from appointments.  Many clients utilize their lunch breaks to invest in their mental health and are able to benefit from weekly therapy sessions without missing any work or family time.  Many schools allow for counseling through telehealth for their students as this allows for the student to benefit from their mental health or behavioral health counseling in a way that limits how much school the student misses.  Telehealth can be combined with face-to-face counseling for convenience and social distancing while still maintaining the benefits of meeting in-person with your counselor.

Can I do Therapy over Telehealth?

For clients who are unable to access our offices or prefer to have services from their own home, Heart and Solutions is proud to be able to offer online therapy services. Our online therapy services are conducted by licensed mental health providers using a confidential online video platform. This ensures that clients are able to engage in a variety of therapeutic interventions and receive ethical care while working towards their therapeutic goals. Telehealth services are available for all of our clients and are as effective as in person services. Additionally, for clients who do not have access to an internet based service, therapy may be provided over the phone.  Please note that all clients must reside in Iowa, even if utilizing telehealth services. 

Can I do BHIS over Telehealth?

Telehealth BHIS services are available for children, ages 4-19 years old, and their families with Medicaid insurance. To begin telehealth BHIS services, one of our licensed mental health therapists would conduct an assessment with you and your child via phone or video call. Once this is completed, one of our BHIS Providers would connect with you to provide weekly BHIS sessions on a video call from their office to your home! During BHIS, our providers will work with your child on different behavioral skills, such as anger management, self-esteem, listening and following directions, impulse control, conflict resolutions, etc, all while using games, crafts and activities.

What is an assessment or a reauthorization?

Whether you are beginning therapy or BHIS, or both at Heart and Solutions, your first appointment at Heart and Solutions will be a diagnostic assessment.  This is a systemized way for you and your family to express your goals and needs for counseling and to work with the counselor to create a customized plan of action for counseling.  Your counselor will ask you questions during this assessment about what symptoms or challenges you are facing, what success would mean to you and questions about your background and support.

For BHIS services, an assessment called a reauthorization is scheduled for every 6 months of services.  This assessment is an insurance requirement that we submit to the insurance company when requesting a new preauthorization for BHIS services.

For therapy services, an asse

How do I get started?

In order to become a client with our providers you will need to complete our online referral form which is located on our website under Get Started. In order to complete this form, you will need the following information:

  • Full legal name
  • Date of birth of the client
  • Address
  • Phone number
  • Email address
  • Social security number of the client and the guarantor
  • Insurance information for the client
  • Full legal name and address of the primary insured

Once we receive your completed referral you will be entered in our system as a new client and then referred to our clinical directors to be assigned a therapist unless you’ve specifically indicated on your referral form who you would like to see. Once a therapist is assigned they have 3-4 business days to make their first scheduling attempt with you. We do not guarantee that our providers will be available at the time of your referral. Provider caseloads do change on a daily basis and they do their own scheduling, which means they may not have availability on or at the set days/times client’s may need. When providers are unable to accommodate new referrals scheduling needs those referrals are placed on our waiting list for the next available provider or for the specific provider that has been requested. The estimated wait time is unknown as it is dependent upon the provider’s caseload. If you must be placed on a waiting list, you will be notified by our administrative team either by phone or email.

You can also call us at (800) 531-4236. Our friendly administrative team is happy to answer any question you might have and get you on the road toward reaching your goals!

Do you accept walk-ins?

Heart and Solutions does not currently accept walk-ins; we are by appointment only. 

How is my privacy/confidentiality handled?

At Heart and Solutions, your confidentiality is of the utmost importance.  All of our billing and communication software is fully encrypted and HIPAA compliant.  We will never confirm or deny that we are working with you or with a member of your family without your expressed written consent.  We place extreme importance and focus on the protection of your privacy. 

Can multiple members of my family benefit from counseling services?

At Heart and Solutions, we offer a wide variety of services for all ages and family members.  Our offices are staffed with professional counselors specializing in a variety of age groups.  Many of our wonderful clients start with one family member and expand the support out to the rest of the family.  

For example: The school may refer a child or adolescent for our in-home behavioral health counseling services and for our in-school, in-office or to participate in telehealth (by phone or computer).  While we are working with the family, we may find that mom, dad, guardian, foster parent, grandma, grandpa, step mom, step dad or siblings are facing challenges of their own and can benefit from added support.  A family may come in to the office all at one time and each member of the family meet with their own individual counselor in the office.  This minimizes the amount of time that a family needs to dedicate to counseling as everyone may have their own individual sessions in the same hour.

How do you handle spiritual issues?

At each Heart and Solutions assessment, we inquire about spiritual and cultural factors that we should be aware of so that we can best support you and your family.  We respect each individual’s spiritual and religious beliefs.  We recognize that religion and spirituality can be very different for each individual person even within the same family.  Our mental health and behavioral health counselors hold a wide variety of personal spiritual and religious beliefs.  You can rest assured that our counselors are trained and prepared not to let their own beliefs impact their support of your beliefs.  Our counselors follow an ask and support model and are careful to provide support and intervention in keeping with the religious or spiritual values that you have shared with us.

What if a spouse/child won't come to therapy? (The miracle question)

Sometimes one family member wishes to engage in therapy and their family is hesitant to try it. In these situations, we recommend showing your family member the photo, bio and video of the therapist or counselor you will be meeting with as well as photos of the office that they will be visiting. Often motivation to attend counseling sessions can be initiated by asking what we call “the miracle question.” This question: “If you woke up tomorrow morning and by a miracle, your life was exactly the way you would want it, what would be different?” The answer to this question can be set as a goal for counseling which can be extremely motivating. Explaining that the first meeting is an assessment and the following 3-5 sessions are focused on building rapport and really just getting to know the counselor and feel comfortable can be helpful as well. We ask anyone with hesitation to try counseling for 4 sessions before deciding if it is right for them. We find that most people, with hesitation, find therapy or behavioral health counseling beneficial and comfortable within 3-5 sessions.

What can I expect from my counselor?

At Heart and Solutions, all of our processes and procedures are designed around the professional counseling codes of ethics set forth by the American Counseling Association (ACA), the National Association of Social Workers (NASW) and the American Association for Marriage and Family Therapists (AAMFT). All of our therapists are BHIS counselors are committed to uploading these codes of ethics and protecting your right to fair, considerate, ethical treatment without discrimination.

Frequently Asked Questions: Billing

Patient Statements Dated 06/12/2024

Please be aware that the statements sent out on 06/12/2024 were affected by a system issue, resulting in some statements being sent in error and containing inaccurate information.

We have taken steps to resolve these issues with our third-party providers, and the necessary corrections have been made. An updated patient statement will be sent to you on 06/20/2024. If you received a statement dated 06/12/2024, please disregard it as it may not reflect accurate information. If an updated statement from Heart and Solutions is not received, please consider the previous statement as sent in error.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused you. For further questions or concerns regarding your statement, please feel free to reach out to us at 1-800-531-4236 or email us at [email protected].

Thank you for your patience and understanding.

What is Incident-to-Billing and how does it work?

We are only allowed to bill FULLY LICENSED providers to insurance companies for reimbursement as they have to be FULLY CREDENTIALED with that insurance company and they will not allow them to credential without a full license.

Fully Licensed Examples:

However, TEMP-LICENSED providers are allowed to practice/see clients independently under the supervision of a fully licensed provider.

Temp Licensed Examples:

A provider with a temporary license is provisionally licensed to practice in the state of Iowa until they have met their full amount of clinical supervision hours within a certain number of years. Clinical supervision is a requirement for them to obtain their full license.  All masters level clinicians in the state of Iowa are required to hold a temporary license after acquiring their masters degree.  A temporary license is not an indication of penalty for misconduct, or probation.  

Since we are not able to bill claims under these temporarily licensed providers’ National Provider Identifier (NPI), claims must be billed under their “incident to supervisor.” 

This practice is sanctioned by the insurance companies as the standard method for billing temporarily licensed therapists. 

Additional instances of this practice in other capacities include situations such as when visiting a nurse practitioner (NP) for medical care, claims are commonly processed under the supervision of a Medical Doctor (MD), who assumes oversight responsibility for the entire clinic’s operations.

Please see section 77.26(6) for more information: 12-05-2018.441.77.26.pdf (

How do I know which provider/NPI number to provide to my insurance company to verify coverage before starting services?

Please contact our billing department at 1-800-531-4236 ext 701 to speak with our Billing Specialist who can assist you with this information. You can also email us at [email protected].

How do I know whether or not the services are covered?

Please be advised that while we can verify insurance eligibility,  and network status, at the time of the referral, we are unable to verify your specific plan benefits and out of pocket costs with your insurance carrier. It is your responsibility to verify your own benefits and out of pocket costs with your insurance carrier for the services being rendered. To do so, please call the number on the back of your insurance card prior to your first session. Heart and Solutions will provide a “good faith estimate” upon request. Please email [email protected] to request a good faith estimate.

Can I make payments on my account prior to receiving my first bill? If so, how?

Certainly. You have the option to make payments towards your account with us at any time, even before receiving a bill from our office. Billing insurance can be a lengthy process and insurance companies have anywhere from 30-90 days to process claims. You will not receive a bill from us until your insurance company has processed as they are the ones who tell us how much you owe. We do send out statements every 2nd Wednesday of the month. If you’re aware of multiple visits and associated copayments, it’s advisable to consider settling these out-of-pocket costs either before or following each session. This proactive approach can help mitigate the likelihood of receiving a consolidated bill later as insurance companies tend to process multiple claims at one time.

For your convenience, there are several methods available for making payments:

  • Call us at 1-800-531-4236 to make your payment over the phone with a debit/credit card. Our Administrative/Billing hours of operation are M-F 8am-4:30pm. We accept Visa, Mastercard, American Express, and Discover. If we are unavailable we may be assisting other callers. Please leave a detailed voicemail in our secure voicemail system and we will return your call within 48 hours.
  • You can also mail a check or money order to PO Box 233 Grundy Center, IA 50638. We do not encourage clients to mail cash for payment. Please keep in mind potential delays in postal delivery.
  • Fill out the bottom portion of your statement with your credit card information and mail that back to us at PO Box 233 Grundy Center, IA 50638. Please keep in mind potential delays in postal delivery.
  • Consider setting up auto bill pay through your financial institution for added convenience and peace of mind.

We strive to provide flexible payment solutions to accommodate your needs and preferences. Should you require further assistance or clarification, please do not hesitate to contact our billing department at 1-800-531-4236 ext. 701 to speak directly with our Billing Specialist, who will provide comprehensive support and guidance. Alternatively, you can also reach us via email at [email protected].

What if my insurance changes or I lose coverage?

Please notify Heart and Solutions right away if your insurance has lapsed or will be lapsing or if you have been made aware of any coverage changes that may impact your services with us. We generally are not made aware of these changes until your claims have already been processed. We want to avoid our clients accruing a large bill if at all possible. For Medicaid/HAWKI clients, you will receive a notice of decision in the mail from the Department of Human Services 30 days prior to any changes in your coverage. If you receive this letter please contact us right away.

What do I need to know about employer-managed insurance policies?

Please note that insurance policies administered by your employer are managed and updated directly by them. Your employer reserves the right to make changes to your policy without notifying your provider. However, they are obligated to inform you, the employee, of any updates or modifications, including:

  • Addition or removal of providers from their network
  • Addition or removal of services or specialties
  • Addition or removal of plan exclusions, such as coverage for specific diagnoses

Please direct any inquiries regarding these changes to your employer. Please be sure and contact our Administrative Department regarding changes to your health plan.

What is a prior authorization for BHIS services and will my insurance require one?

Most Medicaid insurances do require a prior approval before BHIS services are able to start. If you have Iowa Total Care Medicaid, Molina Medicaid or Wellpoint (previously Amerigroup) Medicaid, we will get a prior approval from your insurance before BHIS services are able to start.  If you have another insurance, we do not get prior approval to start BHIS services, and it is your responsibility to confirm with your insurance if BHIS will be covered. 

To start BHIS services, you and your child will need to meet with one of our licensed therapists for an assessment. Our BHIS supervisors will then submit this assessment to your insurance to request six months of BHIS services. Medicaid can choose to accept or deny BHIS services, or they might approve only three months of services to start. Prior approvals do typically take one to two business weeks to get approved from your insurance. Once we receive an approval, a BHIS provider will reach out to the family to then begin scheduling weekly BHIS sessions. 

A new assessment will need to be completed every three or six months to request continued BHIS services.

Why haven’t I received a statement yet?

Here is a standard timeline for our billing practices. 

  • Client is seen for session
  • Providers submit documentation of their sessions once per week. Pending approval (approximately 1-2 weeks) by their supervisor, the session charge is then queued for billing.
  • We send out claims once per week to insurance.
  • Once the charge goes out to your insurance carrier they have anywhere between 30-90 days for processing, sometimes longer if they’re experiencing delays.
  • Once your insurance carrier processes, the processing is electronically posted to your account.
  • Once the insurance processing has been posted, you will receive a statement for the remainder that’s due (if any).
  • We mail out patient statements the 2nd Wednesday of each month.

This timeline serves as an estimate, as there are several variables at play. Due to these factors, we are unable to guarantee which sessions will appear on each monthly statement.

Your understanding and patience are greatly appreciated as we strive to ensure accurate billing and statement processing. Please be aware that unforeseen circumstances, such as technical issues with our systems or unexpected administrative challenges, may occasionally cause delays. If you have any questions or concerns regarding your services with us, our dedicated billing department is here to assist you promptly.

You can reach us at 1-800-531-4236 ext 701 or email us at [email protected]. As part of our commitment to providing excellent customer service, please rest assured that all voicemails and inquiries will typically receive a response within 48 hours.

Thank you for your cooperation and understanding as we work to resolve any issues efficiently and effectively.

Why is a SSN required?

As part of our company policy aimed at ensuring accurate billing and verification processes, we require the Social Security Numbers (SSNs) of both clients and guarantors to be on file. This policy applies uniformly to all clients. While we respect your right to decline providing this information, it is important to note that doing so conflicts with our company’s policies. In such cases, we will regrettably need to refer you to another agency for services.

We understand that divulging sensitive information like SSNs can be intimidating. To address this concern, we offer several secure methods for you to provide this information to our team:

  1. Over-the-phone submission: You can securely provide this information to one of our administrative assistants via phone by calling 1-800-531-4236 ext 0. Our administrative personnel will then directly input the details into our secure Electronic Health Record (EHR) software.
  2. Secure voicemail: If you are unable to connect with a live person, you can leave the necessary information in our secure voicemail system. Please call us at 1-800-531-4236 ext 0.
  3. Online submission: You have the option to complete a ‘Change of Guarantor’ form on our secure website. please use the following link to access the form: Guarantor Form – Heart and Solutions
  4. Online inquiry: Alternatively, you can submit a ‘Contact Us’ inquiry through our secure website using the following link: Contact Us – Heart and Solutions

We prioritize the security and confidentiality of your information and have implemented these measures to ensure your peace of mind. Should you have any concerns or require further assistance, please do not hesitate to reach out to us. Thank you for your cooperation.

You Need a Counselor Podcast

You Need a Counselor is a podcast designed for people curious about counseling but who have barriers keeping them from experiencing the benefits of counseling. Our mission is to share stories about counseling good, bad, indifferent and spread the message that everyone can benefit from mental health and behavioral health counseling services.

You Need a Training

CE-Eligible Trainings for Providers

Heart and Solutions is excited to be able to offer training opportunities for mental health professionals through our platform called You Need a Training. You Need a Training provides opportunities for individuals to learn more about a variety of topics including information about working with particular populations, therapeutic interventions, and other special interest topics. Trainings are delivered by mental health professionals at Heart and Solutions and around the country, through monthly live presentations, recorded videos, and podcast formats. Heart and Solutions attests that CE credit is available to anyone regardless of gender, race, creed, national origin, sexual orientation, religion, age, organizational membership, or any other basis prohibited by law.

  • Heart And Solutions has been approved by NBCC as an Approved Continuing Education Provider, ACEP No. 7376. Programs that do not qualify for NBCC credit are clearly identified. Heart and Solutions is solely responsible for all aspects of the programs.
  • CE hours are available for trainings through the Association of Play Therapy, provider number 21-645

If you are interested in being a presenter on You Need a Training, please contact us HERE.