Feeling Angry?

Anger. It affects us all whether we like it or not and sometimes whether we notice it or not. None of us are immune to anger, though we all may choose to handle our anger differently and sometimes we might be lost on how to handle our anger and wonder what we could possibly do to help ourselves.

These are some helpful skills to work on to help cope in times we are feeling angry:

  • Stop and think:
    • It’s easy to say things we might not mean when we are feeling a certain way. It’s okay to take your time and leet others know that you will come back with a response when you have more time to think about it.
  • Exercise:
    • Exercising can help reduce stress and get your mind off the anger while doing an enjoyable activity.
  • Take a time out:
    • Take a steep away from the situation and come back later. It’s important to communicate that you need your space and that you need to go to a safe and comfortable place to do so.
  • Practice relaxation skills:
    • Sometimes we just need to relax to help calm the anger. Repeating a calming phrase, listening to music, and practicing deep breathing can be every helpful.
  • Use humor:
    • Humor makes us laugh and makes us feel good! Using humor can help get rid of the tension that can be felt with anger.

If you feel like you would like more assistance on recognizing and/or controlling your anger, a licensed therapist can be there to help. Reaching out is one of the first steeps to success.

You can reach us here at Heart and Solutions by calling (800)531-4236 or by filling out a contact form on our website.

References: https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/adult-health/in-depth/anger-management/art-20045434